Let op, Hemelvaart!
9 & 10 mei gesloten.

Keep the historical value in life

High-quality floors produced from recycled oak
100% sustainable
Unique colors and textures

Patterns & panels

Authentic floors with a history’

Our reclaimed oak engineered floor is not only available as straight planks, but also in various patterns and panels, such as herringbone, Hungarian point, and Versailles panels. We can supply the panels and patterns in two looks, namely ‘Outsides’ and ‘Insides’.

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Our reclaimed wooden floors are custom-made floors. When you purchase a floor from us, we will guide you through this process. Do you have a specific pattern in mind? We are happy to look at the possibilities together with you!

Applications Sizes & stock
Flooring Lengths: 60-300cm (long lengths on request)
Stair covering Widths: 10-40 cm
Bar covering Thickness: +- 17mm (5mm top layer – 12mm carrier)
Interior construction Stock/price: customization, please contact us for a free quote
Wall covering
Also fall in love
Experience the character and beauty of pure products