26 juli vanaf 15:00 gesloten.

Keep the historical value in life

Sustainable business
Large stock of beautiful old wood
Reliable supplier

Historic timber trade

“Specialising in the sale of historic building materials”

“We are Historisch Hout”

Historical Wood was founded by Rick de Witte, in early 2016 I purchased my first batch of old Azobé wood after which it was resold in small portions via marketplace. The response was very positive and a search abroad for a wider range soon ensued. By now, Historic Wood is an enthusiastic team that together is good at processing and selling reclaimed wooden building materials.

We travel all over Europe to source the best quality timber, over the years we have gained many contacts which means we buy almost all our material directly from the source. From old oak wine press beams from Bosnia to floorboards from a demolished granary in Ukraine. We buy, sort and process reclaimed materials and distribute them within our customer base in the Europe.

Our way of working is appreciated by many customers; as they say in the east, our way of working can be called typically Sallands. What is that? Down-to-earth, clear, honest, open and committed. Every effort is made to help our customers to their satisfaction.

Our employees’ knowledge of old wood enables us to guarantee high quality at the right price. Our staff focus on your personal requirements and we can help and, if necessary, advise you.


Also fall in love
Experience the character and beauty of pure products